Previous and ongoing actions and links to datasets
This file contains some actions tackling FLW with links to existing datasets for the actions -
Private Household food waste in and off crisis periods_Belgian_Flemish_Survey
Results obtained in the survey interview carried out in the Flemish population of Belgium on the habits and knowledge about food waste in households. The impact of the current... -
Private Food Services Food Waste Consumers Survey
Results obtained in the survey interviews carried out in Slovenia on the dining habits of consumers at restaurants, food waste patterns, and the underlying reasons for food waste. -
Private Food Services Food Waste Consumer Survey
Results obtained in the survey interviews carried out in Slovenia on the dining habits of consumers at restaurants, food waste patterns, and the underlying reasons for food waste. -
Private Household food waste in and off crisis periods_Spanish_Survey
Results obtained in the survey interview carried out to the Spanish population on the habits and knowledge about food waste in households, to evaluate the situation in and off... -
Private Household food waste in and off crisis periods_Spanish Survey
Results obtained in the survey interview carried out to the Spanish population on the habits and knowledge about food waste in households, to evaluate the situation in and off... -
Private household food waste in & off crisis periods_Belgian_Flemish_Survey
Results obtained in the survey interview carried out in the Flemish population of Belgium on the habits and knowledge about food waste in households. The impact of the current... -
In-depth interview with stakeholders of previous and on-going interventions...
This is a comprehensive summary on the in-depth interviews that were conducted in the framework of CHORIZO project's task on providing information on previous and on-going... -
Project Public Deliverables or reports
This data folder contains public deliverables or reports generated in the CHORIZO project from various work packages. They touch on various aspects related to the impact of... -
Private Household food waste in and off crisis periods_Spain IDI
Results obtained in the IDIs carried out to the Spanish population on the habits and knowledge about food waste in households, to evaluate the situation in and off crisis periods. -
Private In-Depth Interviews.CS5-HU_Processing
IDIs interviews with Processing Firms' actors on perspectives on food surplus and its implications, as well as priorities concerning donations and food quality -
Private In-Depth Interviews.CS5-HU_Retail
IDIs interviews with Retails actors on perspectives on food surplus and its implications, as well as priorities concerning donations and food quality -
Private In-Depth Interviews.CS5-HU_NGOs
IDIs interviews with NGOs actors on perspectives on food surplus and its implications, as well as priorities concerning donations and food quality -
Private In-Depth Interviews.CS5-HU_HORECA
IDIs interviews with HORECA actors on perspectives on food surplus and its implications, as well as priorities concerning donations and food quality