4 datasets found

Formats: word Tags: Hungary social norms

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  • Private In-Depth Interviews.CS5-HU_HORECA

    IDIs interviews with HORECA actors on perspectives on food surplus and its implications, as well as priorities concerning donations and food quality
  • Private In-Depth Interviews.CS5-HU_NGOs

    IDIs interviews with NGOs actors on perspectives on food surplus and its implications, as well as priorities concerning donations and food quality
  • Private In-Depth Interviews.CS5-HU_Retail

    IDIs interviews with Retails actors on perspectives on food surplus and its implications, as well as priorities concerning donations and food quality
  • Private In-Depth Interviews.CS5-HU_Processing

    IDIs interviews with Processing Firms' actors on perspectives on food surplus and its implications, as well as priorities concerning donations and food quality
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